Online request

Motor insurance is a type of insurance that is actual for all types of road vehicles. The purpose of insurance - is obtaining protection against all kind of physical losses and damages caused to vehicles both while movement or in cases of inactivity.

The insured can obtain insurance coverage against the following risks that may damage the vehicle:
  • Road traffic accident
  • Thrown or dropped items
  • Illegal actions of a third party
  • Theft, robbery, kidnapping and robbery
  • Fire and explosion
  • Impact of animals
  • Natural disaster

The deductible is not applied. The period of insurance is 12 months

Sum Insured Premium
1 500 AZN 100 AZN
2 500 AZN 170 AZN
4 000 AZN 380 AZN

In case of claim our Company provides the following services:

  • Arrival to the place of claim
  • Free evacuation services
  • Quality control during repair of vehicle
  • The repair services within the shortest period of time

Insurance payment is provided only for the one, first recorded insurance claim and is made without applying of underinsurance.
The insurance contract is losing it`s legal force/cancelled immediately after the claim payment is made and automatic reinstatement of sum insured is not possible

This insurance product is not applicable for the vehicles with price over 50 000 AZN